I'm a little late on buying it, but I wanted to make sure at least one skin maker I use would make the appliers first. Fortunately, The Sugar Garden released their applier today for the mesh Wowmeh body. The updated body will fit Slink feet and hands -better- but still not perfectly at the ankles. Adjusting my shape to be a little bowlegged did help though, and it's decent for now. The hands are very close, and again, with some messing around with your torso muscle will get a close match. I used the xxs size, and my AV is already at a small, but I found that beefing up the arms and going down on the hand size worked best. The only other gripe is the neck joint, but again, much more in-depth reviews had mentioned this, and I'm sure a fix will be created. If you are creative with your accessories, you can cover it easily.

Secondly, Enchantment (among other events) has started, and I like the idea of going to various shops instead of a destination. While not all the offerings were things that interested me personally, I did pick up a few things that I couldn't live without. I'm slowly starting to accrue a lot of the pets that Mishmish offers, and snatched up Maleficent first.
[All photos unedited on this post]
Skin: TSG Eun-Seo Vampy
Candy Mountain eyebrows, Soiree Light cheek contour
Eyes: TSG Galaxy - Deep blue
Hair: Ploom - Isabel
Jewelry: Glow Studios - Legend of Mana (@ The Dressing Room Fusion)
O.M.E.N. Ring of Passion - black
Nailpolish: Mons -Spring Collection Galaxy (@ The Dressing Room Fusion)
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